Time for a Spring Declutter?

Time for a Spring Declutter? 

by Jennifer Campbell

Last year was a big year for me. I started my Interior Design business, I turned 40 and I ran my first 10k. Sam Palmer and the SLJ team were with me every step of the way and as a result are now firmly part of my week.

I was beaming as I crossed the finishing line last May.  I’d done it! I made it to the end and with a respectable time. Sam pointed out afterwards that I’d been fit enough to run the race for weeks but mentally I had to know I was ready. This is true with so many things in life and particularly for women. The physical and emotional are closely connected.

Spring is a great time to sort your life out, detox and get in shape.  I’m currently in home ‘clear out/de-cluttering mode’. Today (with the help of a bouncy SLJ Hi Met class and coffee) -  I’ve recycled old boots, shoes and piles of interiors magazines! Tomorrow I will deposit bags of clothes and toys at the Cancer Research shop and I’ve ordered a skip for the weekend!

De-cluttering is essentially removing unnecessary ‘stuff’ and creating space in our life or home. Sometimes we are clinging onto these possessions because of the memories associated with them and we can’t bear to part with them. A dress fromyears ago which no longer fits, furniture belonging to an old aunt, or an expensive wedding present that’s never been taken out of the packaging!

My business helps clients de-clutter their homes and style them elegantly for sale. Spring is a time of renewal in all senses and the property market typically bursts into life at this point. My aim is to lessen the stress of house selling. I personally guide clients through the tricky de-cluttering process and then stage their house beautifully for photographs and viewings. Styled homes typically sell for more money and in quicker timescales than those where people just appoint an agent and hope for the best!

As the countdown towards Easter begins, I’ll be continuing with my SLJ routine. I’m heading to the Algarve with my family this April and I need Sam’s motivating Hi Met class to get me there in good shape! Now for the added spring clean bonus - I’ve done so much clearing out these last few days that a new holiday wardrobe is essential!

You can find out more about re-energising your home or styling it for sale at www.jennifercampbellinteriors.com


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Jennifer Campbell Interiors Ltd

Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells & surrounding areas

Phone: 07824 549157

Website: www.jennifercampbellinteriors.com